The Benefits of Massage Therapy
I've been a massage therapist for a little over ten years, and I can happily say that as the years pass on, i grow fonder of my learned skill. I am able to help people deal with their stress, aches and pains, and it's one of the professions that truly makes you feel as though you've made a difference in someones life. I've treated thousands of people, from big to small, old to young, almost all kinds of people. Being a licensed massage therapist allows me to be as creative as I want, to work at my own pace and to make me want to exceed at it every time I work on someone new. Although, it's without saying, that being a massage therapist is not the easiest profession, but in the end it is wonderful. And despite the fact that I a now a Spanish teacher, i do intend to continue the art of massage, its flexible in such a way that I will be able to do so. So for all of you who might feel a little stressed, or achy or have some pain...try having a massage today!
Massage therapy helps you relax, re-align and rejuvenate. There are many positive aspects to receiving massage therapy on an ongoing basis, and with the busy lives we lead, we can all benefit from a little stress-management.
fonder: having a strong affection for something or someone treat: to provide medical aid or attention
licensed: authorized or permitted by law
exceed: to go beyond expectation
profession: what you do for a living
wonderful: that causes wonder, amazing
intend: to plan to or design for
Vocabulary Exercise
Create synonym for each word on top. A synonym is a word or expression that has nearly the same meaning as another word or expression. Synonyms tend to be adjectives, adverbs and verbs, with relatively few nouns qualifying as true synonyms. For example “big” (an adjective), “slowly” (an adverb) and “talk” (a verb) all have synonyms, while “sock” (a noun) does not.
Grammar Point
Contractions: A contraction is a shortened form of one or two words, one of which is usually a verb. In a contraction, an apostrophe almost always takes the place of the missing letter(s), for example “don’t” is the contraction for “do not”
Grammar Exercise
Fill in the blanks with the correct contraction:
1. ___________ been waiting here for an hour!
2. The teacher said that ___________ not having homework!
3. ____________ like to play baseball after lunch.
4. ______________ going on the field trip, aren’t you?
5. He said that ____________ already had lunch, Mom.
6. Mom said that ___________ buy me a new dress.
7. _____________ coming to my birthday party.
8. ________________ seen that movie, too.
Word Bank
he’d she’d you’re I’d
they’re we’ve they’ve we’re
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Excellent entry!You have all the important elements and good exercises.