If your like me, and in most cases people are, then you will admit that you procrastinate quite often. Procrastination does not have to be done on something really important like filing your taxes, or getting your car fixed, but it can also be done on small things like; sending out an e-mail, or buying a gallon of milk. Its amazing what I can come up with to do, rather than what I "have to do!" For example; I might clean my whole apartment from top to bottom, before actually getting started on a college paper, and my excuse is that "I can't possibly think in all this clutter, I need to clean it!" And so apparently, there are more people out there in the world just like me, who would put off tomorrow, what they can actually do today. According to Piers Steel, a business professor at the University of Calgary, "the percentage of people who admitted to difficulties with procrastination quadrupled between 1978 and 2002. In that light, it’s possible to see procrastination as the quintessential modern problem." Quadrupled....mmmmm, very interesting indeed. So you see, I am not the only one, and you were probably shaking your head in agreement with this thing called "procrastination." So I decided to post up 7 helpful steps to combating procrastination (taken from the Huff Post).
>> When we use an adjective to compare two things, we add "er" to the
end of the adjective if it is short, and we say "more" or "less" before the
adjective if it is long.
Comparative Vocabulary:
as, bad, best, better, between, difference, favorite, good, least, less, more,
most, than, what, which, worse, worst
-The planet Earth is big. Saturn is bigger. Jupiter is the biggest.
the word "big" is an ADJECTIVE
the word "bigger" is a COMPARATIVE ADJECTIVE
Grammar Exercise:
Write the correct form of the adverb for each sentence.
- We travel to the beach _______________________ during the summer months.
- Emily usually arrives _____________________ than everyone else in the morning.
- This chemical reacts ________________ than the others do.
- The singer on the left sang __________________ than the others.
- Olivia cared __________________ about swimming with friends than doing homework.
- Ethan understood the concepts of algebra _________________________ than his classmates did. (easy)
- A hybrid car drives _____________________ than a similar gasoline-powered car. (efficient)
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