On December 21, 2012 the Mayan civilization predicted the end of their "Long Count" calendar of 5, 126 years.
We often use the Future Simple when making a prediction based on experience or intuition.
It will rain in a moment. Positive Statement: subject + will + verb
probably… most likely… we’re sure …
we think… we expect… It is certain…
Simple Future has two different forms in English: "will" and "be going to." Although the two forms can sometimes be used interchangeably, they often express two very different meanings. These different meanings might seem too abstract at first, but with time and practice, the differences will become clear. Both "will" and "be going to" refer to a specific time in the future.
[will + verb]
- You will help him later.
- Will you help him later?
- You will not help him later.
FORM Be Going To
[am/is/are + going to + verb]
- You are going to meet Jane tonight.
- Are you going to meet Jane tonight?
- You are not going to meet Jane tonight.
We often use the Future Simple when making a prediction based on experience or intuition.
It will rain in a moment. Positive Statement: subject + will + verb
It won’t get more difficult. Negative statement: subject + will not/won’t + verb
Complete five of the six questions listed below in the future tense.
1. What do you think will happen to the governments of the world when resolving the issues facing the global economy?
2. What new developments will companies have for the iPhone, iPad and Android platforms during the first two quarters of 2012?
3. After you have had so many classes scheduled in the first semester of 2012 will you do to recover from so many tests?
4. Do you might think the world is going to end on December 21st 2012?
5. Do you think that the world will be a more peaceful place in 2012?
6. Ask someone at home what they might predict for this New Year and write it down. Also write down if you agree or disagree with their predication.
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