- "Everything that irritates us about
- - Carl Jung
I recently read a column in "allAfrica.com" about the importance of knowing one's self and knowing others when taking on a leadership role. If we understand our own personality, it could then make our perceptions clearer and therefore, our opinions more sensible. The article spoke about how significant it is to truly know ourselves: what we are like and why we are that particular way. The unknown author went on to discuss that our temperament is an inborn trait derived from our genes like our race and ethnicity. This in-turn affects our behavior, our personality (the face we show to others), and our character, which is consequential of the way we were brought up.
personality: the visible aspect of one's character as it impresses others:He has a pleasing personality.
perceptions: the act or faculty of apprehending by means of the sensesor of the mind; cognition; understanding.
sensible: having, using, or showing good sense or sound judgment: a sensible young woman.
significant: important; of consequence.
temperament: the combination of mental, physical, and emotional traits of a person; natural predisposition.
trait: a distinguishing characteristic or quality, especially of one's personal nature: bad traits of character.
genes: A portion of a DNA molecule that serves as the basic unit of heredity. Genes control the characteristics that an offspring willhave by transmitting information in the sequence of nucleotides on short sections of DNA.
perceptions: the act or faculty of apprehending by means of the sensesor of the mind; cognition; understanding.
sensible: having, using, or showing good sense or sound judgment: a sensible young woman.
significant: important; of consequence.
temperament: the combination of mental, physical, and emotional traits of a person; natural predisposition.
trait: a distinguishing characteristic or quality, especially of one's personal nature: bad traits of character.
genes: A portion of a DNA molecule that serves as the basic unit of heredity. Genes control the characteristics that an offspring willhave by transmitting information in the sequence of nucleotides on short sections of DNA.
Vocabulary Exercise:
unscramble the words at the bottom:1. senge
2. artit
3. besinsle
4. tanoreliysp
5. sonitceeprp
6. canstignitfi
7. pamertentm
Definition: Adjectives are words that describe or modify another person or thing in the sentence. The articles — a, an, and the — are adjectives.
- the tall professor
- the lugubrious lieutenant
- a solid commitment
- a month's pay
- a six-year-old child
- the unhappiest, richest man
Grammar Exercise:
Circle the adjective in each sentence. Then, tell what noun the adjective is describing.
Example: The green alien walked out of the spaceship.
(The adjective green describes the alien).
1. The shiny spaceship landed in my yard.
The adjective ____________ describes _________________.
2. An alien with big eyes walked out of the ship.
The adjective ____________ describes _________________.
3. It waved its tiny hand in the air.
The adjective ____________ describes _________________.
4. The alien said, “Earth is such a beautiful planet.”
The adjective ____________ describes _________________.
5. A brown rabbit hopped into the yard and scared the alien.
The adjective ____________ describes _________________.
To read more about the article mentioned above on leadership qualities, go to:http://allafrica.com/stories/201204020067.html
I will have to have a look at that site. We are about to do a gene kit to get a DNA profile of the family. I'll let you know what results.