American Dream
Why come to America? Most of the stories within the video resembled most of my own family's experiences. And like most family's whom leave home to come to America, they left behind homes, friends and families. The unthinkable struggles and hardships endured both on their way to and already in the United States can baffle anyone. Yet, many left their home countries in search of a better life and future.
Mystery of Ancestry: It was so intriguing to see the family lineages traced to so long ago. The most interesting story was that of Steven Colbert's great-grandmother who arrived in New York city a midst the Civil War Riots. Any person to withstand such adversity should be awed!
Assimilation and Acceptance: The story of Christy Yamaguchi's grand-father was inspiring. He not only immigrated form Japan, but also from Hawaii, in search of prosperity Yet, like so many immigrants before him and after, acceptance was difficult to obtain if ever. He endured much discrimination, just as many Latino's do today. My family and even I, myself have also encountered racism. Which, as we all know, is ironic because those who discriminate have ancestors whom once immigrated to America. With any hope, things will all change one day for the better. Hopefully, we can all learn to think of ourselves as many different people but, as one!
Meryl Streep said it best "I think they were very brave, or what they were leaving was so tough, that they needed to come for a new chance!"
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