Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Shelley Duvall's Bedtime Stories - Little Toot and the Loch Ness Monster

barely  remember long when there were television broadcasting stories such as the "Little Toot and the Loch Ness Monster." They were entertaining as well as informative. They retold stories of ancient myths full of purpose and from different traditions. These stories taught children extended vocabulary which could improve verbal communication. In comparison to many cartoons on television today, the classics were much better.

The story though, was interesting. I reminded me of the "American Dream," and how people in search for a better future venture out to unknown lands and how brave they must be. Just like the little riverboat, they too have dreams and regardless of how scary a new place might be, or how cruel these new places are to them, they find it within themselves to fight through. As immigrants reach a new and foreign destinations, they encounter so much adversity. 

These kinds of stories are great for children, especially those who might be ELL's, because they could empathize with struggles and adversities in and out of school.

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